Accept Your Vitiligo


Vitiligo : You have to accept your vitiligo before others accept your vitiligo

Vitiligo is a disease of social concern. One of the major worries of all patients are acceptance by society because of vitiligo or change in skin color.

Normally patients try to hide vitiligo from others and society, also they come to us for camouflage(make-up) it to hide it rather than treatment. However you are hiding your vitiligo and tell world that you are a normal person, means still you are not connivance that you had vitiligo, you are not agree to accept reality.

Vitiligo patients complain that society is ready to accept his/her vitiligo it may be because of some time you are not agree to accept your vitiligo and according to that you always keep your self reserved for it.

When I say 'you accept your vitiligo'; I also mean that you learn to feel comfortable with your vitiligo (leucoderma). This will require an understanding that vitiligo is not a serious disease; it is just loss of color. You will have to be convinced of this fact, before you start others to believe in this reality.

I am fully aware that it is very easy to say but tough to accept. It is hard to implement this idea. But, it will be really worth it. This realization will eventually help you outgrow your vitiligo. As I always say, vitiligo will teach you many great lessons in life; lessons of self-discovery, acceptance, maturity and confidence.

Once you accept your vitiligo, others will do. Also, once you will accept your vitiligo, you will care least if or not others do.

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