
Online Treatment Policy Berry Skin Care Clinic

100% Safe Medicine

The product we provide for the treatment of vitiligo and psoriasis is 100% safe, it is approved by AYUSH Department.

Refund Policy

In case of requesting the refund, please send mail to customer care id berrysskincare@gmail.com and inform Rajkot office immediately. Refund will be made only from our Rajkot office. For more details, you can contact +91-9099962276.

Cancel order after confirmation

If the product is already dispatched courier charges will be deducted from your amount and 2% amount for packing charges. If you cancel the order with use of credit card or online banking 2% charge will be deducted from your final amount.

Terms & Conditions

The information provides here are the best and examine in the light of individual case study by different doctors and various places. The website developer Berry Skin Care and Berrys Healthcare take no responsibilities whatsoever of the consequences experienced by the patients who may use the information provided on this portal. We at Berry skin care we do our best for the result, We do not do any miracle not giving any kind of guarantee for the recovery purpose.

Berry Skin Care Clinic is one of reputed organization and medical center running in different cities of India and provides ayurvedic solutions for chronic diseases like vitiligo and psoriasis. We do not suggest our treatment or replace any body’s regular treatment. It is considered that user has gone through all information before they start treatment and convinced for the same.