Vitiligo is a skin disorder where patches of skin lose their pigment and become white or lose normal skin color. It can be unpredictable and range from single small white spot to a total loss of skin color. Vitiligo affects males and females equally in India and it is commonly seen in children as well. The incidence is higher in children whose both parents are affected by vitiligo and that are why common people think it is a hereditary disease. As far as India is concern approximately 3 percent population is affected by Vitiligo and so in Madurai. Vitiligo treatment in Madurai is possible with the help of leading clinical Ayurveda based chain Berry Skin Care. It is a common skin disorder and can start at any age. Vitiligo can affect anyone at any age no scientific fact about age or condition as far as vitiligo disease is concern yet in public domain. Being the leading clinical chain we assure you that vitiligo cure in Madurai is very much possible and effect of your treatment would be lifetime.