Types of Psoriasis
Plaque Psoriasis
- This common form of psoriasis causes raised, red patches on the skin. Skin patches can be itchy and painful.
- Typically found on the elbow, sclap, knees, lower back however appear any where on the surface of the body.
- Plaques are typically itchy, sore.
- Skin around the joins may crack and bleed in severe cases.
Guttate Psoriasis
- Plaques are usually small no more than 1 cm diameter.
- Plaques are fairly widespread They may develop anywhere in body,except the sole of the feet and palms of the hands.
- Mostly it affect chest, arms legs and scalp.
Inverse Psoriasis
- Most common among over weight/obese individuals.
- Inverse psoriasis is characterized by inflamed, bright red, smooth patches of skin.it can be very itchy and painful.
- If the skin rubs together in the folds symptoms will be aggrevated.
Erythrodermic Psoriasis
- The most uncommon form of psoriasis.
- Whole Body can be covered with a fiery red rash.
- There is usually intense itching.
- There is typically an intense burning sensation.
- There is widespread exfoliation (shedding of skin), during which time itching, burning and swelling is more severe.