Causes and Risk Factors of Vitiligo

Causes and Risk Factors of Vitiligo

Causes and Risk Factors of Vitiligo

Causes and Risk Factors of Vitiligo

When you have vitiligo, your skin will gradually lose its color, leaving behind white or very pale areas. When the cells (melanocytes) responsible for giving skin, hair, and eyes their pigment quit working, discoloration results. A Successful Treatment of Vitiligo includes light therapy, medications, and surgical procedures.

Although the exact cause of the immune system's erroneous attack on the body's own healthy skin pigment cells in vitiligo is unknown, it is generally accepted that this condition is an autoimmune disease.

Genetics, autoimmunity, stress, skin injury, and chemical exposure are just some of the variables experts believe to increase a person's likelihood of developing vitiligo.

What causes vitiligo?

The inflammatory skin condition known as vitiligo is caused by the immune system attacking itself. In this illness, the body's immune system turns on itself, attacking healthy tissue.

The immune system of a person with vitiligo destroys melanocytes, which are responsible for the skin's pigmentation. This is a kind of cell that produces melanin.

Depending on which pigment-producing cells the immune system attacks, you may get these Vitiligo Symptoms

  • Darker areas and patches on your skin
  • Lip, mouth, and nose discoloration that begins on the inside might be a symptom of a more serious problem: a lack of blood supply to the area.
  • Premature graying and/or a white patch in your head hair.
  • Hair covering a vitiligo patch, or even just a portion of an eyebrow or eyelash, might become white.
  • Color blindness affecting one or both eyes
  • Melanocytes, found in the ear's inner membrane, are linked to hearing loss.

Growth of the patches and the appearance of additional spots and patches can occur anywhere on the body if the immune system continues to assault melanocytes.

How Is Vitiligo Diagnosed?

You should see your family doctor or a dermatologist if you think you have vitiligo. Your doctor will most likely inquire about the following during your appointment:

  • Whether or not a close relative has had vitiligo diagnosed
  • Whether or not you've been told that you have an autoimmune disease
  • If you have recently gone through a stressful situation (such as a big life change) or other possible trigger events (such as a severe sunburn), you may be more susceptible to developing shingles.
  • The majority of the time, a doctor will diagnose vitiligo by looking at the white spots on your skin and asking questions about your medical history.
  • Wood's lamps are ultraviolet light sources that your doctor might employ to detect loss of pigment. People with lighter skin tones will benefit the most from this lamp because the color difference will be more noticeable.

Beyond a simple skin inspection, some dermatologists may wish to do further tests. A skin biopsy can reveal whether or not melanocytes are present in the skin, which is why your doctor may recommend one. Vitiligo is characterized by a paucity of melanocytes. If your doctor suspects you have an autoimmune condition, he or she may order blood work to check this for Fast Result in Vitiligo Treatment.

They may also check the eyes for uveitis, an inflammation of the eye that has been linked to vitiligo. Other skin conditions that can mimic vitiligo will be ruled out by your doctor as well, such as chemical leukoderma (skin damage from exposure to industrial chemicals), tinea versicolor (a yeast infection that can lighten or darken areas of skin), and albinism (a genetic condition marked by low levels of melanin in skin, hair, and eyes).

The outlook for vitiligo

Although there is currently no cure for vitiligo, therapies have been shown to reduce the condition's progression, promote the creation of new melanocytes, and reduce the visibility of white patches on the skin. In addition, vitiligo patches might be less noticeable after using cosmetics. Moreover, the research in Dermatology reveals that cognitive behavioral therapy might help you overcome the sadness and social anxiety that this skin disease commonly generates.


Vitiligo is a skin ailment that, once it appears, typically does not go away. If you're young, your vitiligo developed quickly (less than six months), and the white spots are concentrated on your face, there's a 10-20% chance that your skin's original color will be restored with a Successful Treatment of Vitiligo. In case you experience Vitiligo Symptoms visit Berry Skin Care. Berry Skin Care provides Fast Result in Vitiligo Treatment.

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